Move the wrapping paper upstairs where people can shut the door and wrap in privacy. My stepsons expect flocking and glitter, so wrapping makes quite a mess. My hubby says, "I've never noticed that," but I did. The first time I made really fancy packages for them and they ohhed and ahhed. and now they expect it.
Opps! The new Persian Rug (my & hubby's mutual Christmas present) comes today. What haven't we bought yet, and when, except Christmas Eve, will we buy anything that isn't bought by the end of today?
And then there's the graduation party in January. Electricians coming Monday to restore lights in front that last winter's ice storm took out (finally getting that done) and we want to try to get a new runner on the stairs by the 14th of January. HELP!
Just infused money into his account so he can buy a few Christmas presents, and gas for my car, etc.
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