But...for this exercise, I am going to examine why an editor would be interested in me. I would like to see my book(s) in print, on paper, the way I like to read them, and, of course, I think the one I'm working on right now would make an awesome movie....
Chapter Three of Christina Katz' book, Get Known Before The Book Deal is 'Swap Shoes.' It asks you to look at yourself like an editor or an agent. Are you causing enough of a stir to make them want to take a chance on you? Partially, that's where previous expertise comes in. Can you use what you already know to get better known in any community?
Christina says, " It order for agents to recognize your talent, you have to make some waves." I'm not making many waves right now. I'm kind of letting down my guard in the technical writing/training world to concentrate on my writing. Maybe I'm doing the wrong thing. Maybe I should create some online classes for the techniques I'm learning. And post them on my website. Now that's worth giving some thought to. Hmmm.
Christina also says that agents think of us writers as 'talent.' They want to work with someone who will produce a string of books.
So, according to this book, here's what I need to do:
- Get followers for this blog. (Please follow me.)
- I follow quite a few blogs, but I usually don't comment in them. I think I need to, and use that excuse to point to my own blog. I'll try to do more of that, for a start. But really, Please follow me!
- Get something, anything published somewhere. Then get something else published.
- Get to know the media. Figure out how to get them to know you
- .
- This one's going to be tough. I need to work on local media first. Actually, I've been on the front page of local papers before. I've been interviewed (because I used Angie's list?!?) If I accidentally landed in the news all those times, how can I do it deliberately? Need to think on this one some more, and come up with a plan.
- Get interviewed for something (something good)
- I believe this one goes with the one above.
- Become a quoted expert in some field.
OK. That's the list. Every one of these steps will take time and effort, and none will get done before the party I'm giving on the 14th. That's a biggy. But I will ponder the list and try to flesh it out more, then be ready to blast off after the 14th.
- Maybe this one harks back to my idea of putting tutorials online.
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